Jumat, 17 Juli 2009




International Seminar on Islamic Economics, Postgraduate Program of IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang and The Indonesian Association Islamic Economics (IAEI), theme: "The Role of Islamic Economics for Financial Global Crisis"


World economic crisis today has significant impact upon financial institutions such as bank, insurance, pension fund, multifinance, and other financial institutions. Lots of world-wide financial institutions like Lehman Brothers and AIG are also beaten by this crisis. Many experts say the cause of this crisis is underlying asset in the form of paper or trust that results in world-wide economy destruction. In such cases, syariah economics can be one of the solutions for this financial global crisis. Unfortunately, Syariah Business Economics has not been fully understood and its mechanism has not run properly. This problem becomes a barrier in overcoming the crisis. So that, it is expected that this seminar will give knowledge about syariah economics and business, and offers solution for the economic crisis as well through the implementation of syariah economic approach.

On the other side, it is believed that there are several causal factors of the slow going process of national economy recovery, namely: first, governmental interference has resulted the economic sovereignty is not in the hand of people, and market mechanism has not functioned effectively. Second, economic gap between center and local, inter-regions, inter-agents, and inter-earning classes, has extended to all life aspects so that economic structure is unable to sustain it. This is indicated by the rise of monopoly, and economic strength concentration just in the hand of certain society and area. Third, the condition of society security and orderliness is unstable. Fourth, the act of law enforcement is still weak.

Referring to several causal factors mentioned above, actually they can be categorized into one that is power concentration, either economic or political satisfaction concentration. Lord Acton portrays that "power tends to corrupt and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely". When there is concentration of power, there is corruption, if there is corruption, market mechanism cannot work; and if market mechanism does not work, it means there is monopoly/economic concentration, as a result, it is impossible to have even distribution, indeed it will bear a gap. In consequence, there is only one solution, avoid power concentration, both economic and political power. This is the real urgency of syariah based economic principle involvement because in Islamic economic principle, dissemination of productive asset ownership will happen automatically and systematically. This principle is clearly reflected in al-Qur'an; Al-Hasyr : 7 don't let the asset only circulate in the hand of certain group or people.

The excellence of Islamic economic system lies in its working principle in running the spiritual civilization or spiritual economic. Successfulness of China in building its economy cannot be separated from the policy of Jiang Zemin through the implementation of spiritual civilization based economic politic. Then, Deng Xiaoping and Zhu Rongji continue conducting economic reform with the same concept. The result nowadays can be seen by the world, China has shown its spirit as an Asia nation that owns strong pillar.


a. To explore the treasure of Islamic economic theories proposed by Muslim intellectuals.

b. To map a number of Islamic economic system strengths as spiritual civilization applied by several countries in the world.

c. To integrate - in implementation effort – Islamic economic system as a solution for global and national economic recovery.


a. There is an exploration of the treasure of Islamic economic theories proposed by Muslim intellectuals.

b. There is a map a number of Islamic economic system strengths as spiritual civilization applied by several countries in the world.

c. There is integration of - in implementation effort – Islamic economic system as a solution for global and national economic recovery.


This activity will be held on August 4-5, 2009 in Academic Centre of IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang.

Fee :
Student of IAIN Raden Fatah : Rp. 100.000
Public Participant : Rp. 150.000

Info & Registration :
PPs IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang
Jl. Prof. KH. Zainal Abidin Fikri No.1 Palembang - Sumatera Selatan
Telp/Fax : 0711.353520

Contact Person : Yudhi (0813 77512772)
Fahmi (0813 73013037)






Islamic Economics: Challenges and Opportunities for Financial Global Crisis

Prof. Aslam bin Hanif (IIUM)


The Role of Waqf in Islamic Economic System

Prof. Dr. Syed Hamid (IIIT)


Obama’s Economical Policy in Overcoming the Financial Global Crisis

Consul American Consulate Medan


A Successful Islamic Finance System: Lesson from Malaysia

Dr. Habib Chirzin (IIIT)


The Role of Sukuk the Economy Development in Indonesia

Dr. Dahlan Siamat


Prospective of Dinar and Dirham as Single Currency of Islamic World

Prof. Dr. Faisal Rifa'i, M.BA


Obligation Position as Syariah Monetary Instrument

Mustafa Edwin, Ph.D. (UI)


Urgency of Syariah Accountancy in Indonesia

Ir. Adiwarman Karim, M.BA


The Analysis of Indonesia Economical Policy in Overcomiing the Global Financial Crisis

Prof. Dr. Sri Edi Swarsono


Acaceleration for Development of Islamic Banking to increase market share of Islamic Banking in Indonsia

Dr. Ramzi A. Zuhdi (BI).


Accounting for Islamic Bank

Muh. Ahyar Adnan., SE., Ak., M.BA., Ph.D



Senin, 30 Juni 2008


Masalah lingkungan hidup sejatinya tidak terbatas pada persoalan sampah, pencemaran, dan reboisasi. Lebih dari itu, lingkungan hidup sangat erat kaitannya dengan upaya pelestarian alam dengan menjaga keharmoniannya. Sebab bagaimanapun kerusakan alam, -diakui atau tidak - merupakan potret kesenjangan dari implikasi pengurasan energi yang berlebihan sebagai akibat dari pengejaran pertumbuhan ekonomi yang optimal dan konsumsi yang maksimal. Padahal kehidupan itu merupakan sesuatu yang mulia dan sangat berharga. Dalam diri tiap makhluk hidup selalu dilengkapi oleh naluri “mempertahankan hidup”, tidak terkecuali manusia. Untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidupnya, setiap makhluk hidup jelas saling berketergantungan. Itulah sebabnya dalam ajaran Islam, khususnya fiqh, ada ketentuan dasar bahwa semua makhluk hidup mempunyai status hukum muhtaram (dihormati ekisitensinya). Dalam hubungan status me-muhtaram-kan hewan, maka ia harus dijaga dari kepunahannya dan diberikan makanan/ minuman yang cukup jika hewan tersebut dalam piaraan. Pemanfaatan tertentu dari hewan yang dipelihara, misalnya memerah susunya, tidak dibenarkan menguras habis tanpa sisa. Ketentuan ini sudah barang tentu juga berlaku bagi makhluk hidup lain, lebih-lebih manusia yang memiliki martabat kemanusiaan (al-karamah al-insaniyah) yang tinggi. Mengingat begitu kompleksitasnya persoalan lingkungan hidup, maka penanganan selama ini yang hanya mengandalkan teknik-intelektual tampaknya belum sepenuhnya berhasil. Bagaimanapun harus diakui bahwa sebagian besar kerusakan lingkungan ini terjadi karena faktor manusia. Manusia pada tingkat tertentu telah menjadi “penguasa mutlak” atas alam lingkungannya. Maka sebagai upaya untuk menggugah kesadaran kemanusiaannya itu, perlu didekati oleh nilai dan tata norma yang dominan berlaku di masyarkatnya. Suatu tata nilai tersebut pada gilirannya dapat digali dan dijabarkan dari ajaran spiritual Islam dalam sebuah disiplin ilmu yang dikenal dengan fiqh lingkungan hidup.


a. Melakukan telaah ulang terhadap wilayah dan cakupan fiqh klasik menuju kajian fiqh kontemporer di bidang lingkungan hidup.
b. Menggagas dan merumuskan fiqh lingkungan hidup berdasarkan kajian kitab-kitab klasik dan kontemporer.
c. Mendialogkan problematika dan mencarikan solusi untuk mengatasi pengrusakan alam/ lingkungan hidup dan kehidupan hayati dengan berbagai pendekatan keilmuan/ interdiciplinary approach.
d. Membangun komunitas ruang sempit dan publik yang sadar terhadap pelestraian alam.
e. Mendokumentasikan rumusan tertulis/ lembar kerja dan wacana narasi dialog simposium dalam bentuk penerbitan buku.


a. Terpetakannya perluasan wilayah dan cakupan fiqh klasik menuju kajian fiqh kontemporer di bidang lingkungan hidup.
b. Terumuskannya gagasan fiqh lingkungan hidup dari kajian kitab-kitab klasik dan kontemporer.
c. Terumuskannya hasil dialog tentang peta masalah dan problem solving untuk mengatasi kerusakan alam dari berbagai bidang ilmu.
d. Terbangunnya komunitas ruang sempit dan publik yang sadar terhadap pelestarian alam. Terdokumentasikannya rumusan tertulis/ lembar kerja dan wacana narasi dialog simposium dalam bentuk penerbitan buku.

Kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa-Rabu tanggal 22-23 Juli 2008 di Akademik Center Jl. Prof. KH. Zainal Abidin Fikry KM 3.5 Palembang 30126. Telp. 0711-353520, Fax 0711-356209. e-mail : ppsiainrf@yahoo.com

a. Problema Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup dalam skala Nasional dan Global oleh: Meneg Lingkungan Hidup RI (keynote speaker)
b. Global Warming dan Implikasinya bagi Penduduk Bumi oleh: Prof. Dr. Emil Salim
c. Hutan, Lahan Gambut dan Problema Asap di Sumsel oleh: Gubernur Sumsel
d. Wawasan al-Qur’an tentang Lingkungan Hidup oleh: Prof. Dr. M. Quraish Shihab
e. Islam dan Lingkungan Hidup: Upaya Membangun Keharmonian Alam oleh: Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Fakhrurrozi Syarkowi, M.Sc.
f. Penanaman Nilai Pendidikan Islam dalam Pelestarian Lingkungan oleh: Prof. Dr. H. Jalaluddin
g. Membangun Lingkungan Hayati dalam Perspektif Siyasah Syar’iyyah oleh: Prof. Dr. H. J. Suyuthi Pulungan, MA
h. Prinsip-prinsip Ajaran al-Qur’an dan Hadits tentang Lingkungan Hidup oleh: Prof. Dr. H. Aflatun Muchtar, MA
i. Pemberdayaan Lahan tak bertuan (ikhya’ al-mawat) dalam Perspektif Fiqh oleh: Prof. Dr. H. Fathurrahman Jamil, MAHukuman Pengrusakan Alam Menurut Fiqh oleh: Prof. Dr. Amin Summa, SH

Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

Perpustakaan PPs IAIN RF

Perpustakaan PPs IAIN RF